Engage BlackTube VF >> 3 ports

- Stock: Approx. 1-3 Weeks
- Model: G07-VFAD-03
- Description: Engage BlackTube VF
- Brand: Engage Communication
Engage BlackTube VF
4-Wire Analog to IP Converter
4 Wire Analog Voice Frequency over Packet Networks
The BlackTubeVF has balanced 4-Wire 600 ohm Voice Frequency interfaces that utilize a PCM CODEC to convert Analog Voice Band into Digital that is AES encrypted for secure transport over Ethernet packet services. This conversion facilitates the interconnection of Voice Band communications over cost effective and ubiquitous Ethernet based LAN/WAN/MAN wired and wireless network services such as MPLS, xDSL, Cable Modem and 4G/LTE.
4-Wire Analog to IP Converter
4-Wire leased line analog networks interconnect VoiceBand Communications for Utilities, Municipalities and Public Safety Agencies. Cost and availability issues with these copper telephone lines make finding transport alternatives a priority. Converting VoiceBand interfaces to packet data is a cost effective and easy to implement alternative.
BlackTube VF Standard Features
Dual LAN Interfaces
All BlackTube VFmodels ship with dual 10/100 BaseT Ethernet LAN ports. The dual Ethernet interfaces provide for:
- • Management interface on LAN port 2 when LAN port 1 is connected to a VPN tunnel
- • Protector Option: Redundant Packet Path connections with Constant or Switch Over Criteria
Assured Delivery Protocol
In order to assure high quality communications over links with intermittent or noisy performance, such as Wireless, the BlackTube VFemploys Engage’s robust Assured Delivery Protocol with the following benefits:
- • Packet out of sequence detection and re-sequencing
- • Duplicate skipping
- • Lost packet retransmissions with configured delay
IPTube VF Optional Features
Protector OPTION -PRO
The protector option utilizes the second LAN interface as a redundant path for the interconnection of the IP encapsulated VoiceBand. The extension of the VoiceBand has a fault tolerant link that is configured to always on, or with switch over criteria.