*Patton CopperLink Model 2113A Twin Pack

- Stock: Approx. 3-8 Weeks
- Model: 2113A/EUI-2PK
- Description: CopperLink E1 Extender Pair
- Brand: Patton Electronics Co.
Patton CopperLink Model 2113A Twin Pack
CopperLink E1 Extender Kit
Patton’s Model 2113A E1 Extender is the perfect choice for enterprises, integrators, and service providers needing to extend E1 circuits beyond their typical reach while conserving the number of wire pairs used.
With the CopperLink™ 2113A extender, zero configuration is required. They operate in clear-channel mode, thereby facilitating the transparent extension of data and voice bearing circuits. The two active pins on the RJ connector are polarity insensitive, so you don’t even need to worry about which wire you connect on the line interface. Simply take them out of the box, put them on either side of the dry copper pair, connect your E1 device and the circuit will light up immediately!
The Model 2113A extends E1 circuits to 16,100 feet (4,900 meters, nearly 5 km). The 2113A requires only two wires (one pair) to extend the TDM circuits, thereby conserving and minimizing the copper plant resources used.
For these reasons, the CopperLink™ 2113A extender is the ideal solution for most popular applications such as E1 backhaul from a remote site, E1 relocation, E1 extension across a campus or between buildings, and last-mile TDM delivery.